About Carolina Pugliese

With me you will find a sense of presence and playfulness, authenticity and curiosity, empowerment and integration. I experiment with structure and freedom while sharing my own meaning and experience of YOGA.

Expect an inward and outward journey that naturally unveils hidden aspects of your being revealing new and old ways to relate to the world within you and around you. Welcome to a journey with more stability, clarity and strength, encompassing more softness, fluidity and ease.



I have a different approach to yoga.

In my teachings I share my experience through both freedom and structure creating an all-inclusive and safe container.

I have been exploring, studying and researching different traditions and practices of Yoga, Philosophy and Embodiment for over twenty years. Born in Brazil, I lived in Europe, travelled through Asia, North and South America and now I live in Australia.

Under different teachers, climates and geography, cultural perspectives and
belief systems, I experimented with different maps and pathways to
healing; my curiosity encompasses mostly upon pathways that honour
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual practices to regain balance and
connection in a fragmented world.

I studied with Tara Judelle and Scott Lyons, Donna Farhi and Rose Baudin, Bess Prescott and Tahl Rinsky, Shiva Rae and Satu Tuomella, Ayda and Velan Cadden, Carmen Morales, amongst other teachers. I continue to learn and practice under some of those teachers as well as Wisdom Keepers from South America and other native and original traditions worldwide.

I found common threads in Ancient traditions and philosophies, Somatic therapies and the Elements of Nature, bringing to the contemporary world practices that resonate with my truth, while honouring it’s roots and wisdom. I aim to allow and call in a natural adaptability within the world we live today -we are the Microcosm of the Macrocosm